Friday, November 22, 2013

Human fingerprint are on the global warming.

Ilyas A. 
It was a center of the city. That time, I was on the top of a tall building. I directed my eyes to the outside of the building. For a while, I was carefully watching the overview of my surroundings. There was huge number of traffic. Every direction there was vehicles which enormously release their deadly exhaust fumes in the air. Also, the sky was full of smoking; a fogy sky above the city.  The city’s atmosphere was felt blue because of bad climate. Without air conditioned, the climate is boiling. In fact, for me it was hot as hell.
This city is a Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand and home to over 10 million people. Like other cities in the planet, Bangkok takes lion’s share Global carbon dioxide emissions per capital; Bangkok’s per person CO2 emissions are higher than those of other major cities, such as London and Tokyo.
The planet is getting hotter and becoming less comfortable. Global warming and it’s disgusting impact—floods, drought and global less food production—are man-made global catastrophic phenomena. We can argue that humans particularly people who live in urban areas are responsible increasing global temperature.
Nowadays, vehicles greatly contribute the deteriorating of global average temperature. Drive time, peak hour in big streets of our cities like Bangkok, you can realize that the automobile has had a huge impact on our lifestyle and environment.  In the first ever analysis of the results of the transport sector on climate, it has been founded that road traffic contributes the most to global warming, aviation sector has the second largest warming effect, and shipping has a net cooling effect on the Earth's climate. We usually use Cars and trucks but these kinds of transportation produce air pollution throughout their life. They emit dirty fumes into our atmosphere during vehicle operation, refueling and manufacturing. So, if we reduce the number of cars, we can get a clean air and less polluted environment which it helps us less global temperature.

Moreover, According to the Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, They argue that road transport makes the broadest proportion of CO2 emissions than the other transportation sectors.  Looking exclusively at CO2 emissions; road traffic alone has led to two-thirds of the warming caused by total transport emissions. When the researchers looked at the effect today's road emissions has on future climate; they found that the share is even larger: the road emissions of today will constitute three- fourth of the warming caused by transport over the next hundred years.
What is more, Here Bangkok, the number of vehicles is extremely enormous. People prefer to travel their own cars so that ever family has two or three private cars. Also the number of very big public bus—air open and air conditioned buses—is high. Therefore, mostly of automobiles in the world burn some type of fossil fuel, usually gasoline, diesel or oil, in a combustion engine to produce the power needed to travel. When fossil fuels are burned they create pollution in the form of a greenhouse gases such carbon dioxide, (CO2) and methane, which are released out of the damper of the vehicle. When car exhaust system releases greenhouse gas as waste product in the air, in fact, they polluted the atmosphere and then increase global temperature water vapor, carbon dioxide and other gases as waste products. The car’s exhaust system vents these gases into the air from the tail pipe and they become part of the atmosphere. As concentrations of CO2 increase, however, trapped heat becomes excessive. So, in major cities and large towns throughout the world, motor vehicles cause a wide range of air pollution problems.
As a matter of fact, as we aware of deforestation in tropical rain-forests adds more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere than the sum total of cars and trucks on the world’s roads. For an area to remain deforested, it must be profitable to convert the land to another use, and this use is usually agricultural. In Thailand, for example, agricultural land increased the middle and the late of 20th century; during the same period, forest land decreased. Large agricultural industries such as palm oil and timber are the most outstanding major forces cause tropical deforestation today.

Also, Forests are cut down for many reasons, but most of them are related to money or to people’s need to provide for their families. The biggest driver of deforestation is agriculture. Farmers cut forests to provide more room for planting crops. In Thailand, many trees are cut down by rice farmers. Farmers when they do this, they take part increasing the temperature of our planet. Often many small farmers will each clear a few acres to feed their families by cutting down trees and burning them in a process known as “slash and burn” agriculture.
In all honesty, the reason that logging is so bad for the climate is that when trees are felled they release the carbon they are storing into the atmosphere, where it makes up with greenhouse gases from other sources and contributes to global warming accordingly. The aftermath is that we should be doing as much to prevent deforestation as we are to increase fuel efficiency and reduce automobile usage.
Hence, if you carefully analysis the relation between human daily activities and greenhouse effect, you can realize that as we are human, we are responsible the increasing of global temperature. Primarily, our domestic activities such as burning fossil fuels for various propose and electricity which is generated from coal-burning power contributes global warming. Also, people always cut and burn the forest. They don’t care about the advantages of trees. Men always need to live a more comfortable place but we damage our planet. So how possible to get our desire since we cause that the world became hot. I think we will remedy situation and we should reduce releasing CO2 emissions and preserve our natural world. “The truth is, as most of us know, that global warming is real and humans are major contributors, mainly because we wastefully burn fossil fuels.”  A Canadian author, David Suzuki said.

More about this issue, please watch this video:

Read this long text to get more details:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well articulated and very much true. It is unfortunate that we as humans are the causes of destruction to our environment on daily basis.

  3. Our life always reflects the way we preserve our environment, the more we destroy the more we lost many essential factors which contribute to the world tranquility. Absolutely you are right.

  4. Human do impact the global climate , but we do have the resources and obligation to reduce it.

  5. Global Warming is an extremely worrying issue. People do not feel this very much, but indeed this can cause lot of problems and will have an impact to the human development and wellbeing.

    Although the world's super power countries are leading the pollution of the air which is devastating the life of human being and animal as well as trees. We can extremely feel that Asia is the second participant of polluting the environment this can be a result of their relatively increasing population and economic environment.

    But something I wanted to add to your article is that even Africa cannot be under estimated as it takes a lion’s share on this issue, even Somaliland which is the world’s youngest nation has its own problem in this issue.

    Suggestions can vary from continent to continent as well as from nation to other nation but the ultimate solution is to use other sources of energy, whether it is Solar, wind, hydroelectric and geothermal powers.

    Thank you very much for bringing our attention this is very important phenomenon.

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  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The article reminds us of the problems we have in this world that need our concerted effort to overcome them.Climate change and global warming are serious challenges and so is tackling them.We need to negotiate a balance between development,economic growth and the sustainibility of our environment.But is this possible?I think the current neoliberal economic thinking, underpinned by capitalism will not let this happen.So someone somewhere in the other corner of the world will pay the price.

  9. The truth is not far fetched, human activities has created a devastating effect on our climate all in the name of industrialization. The earlier we take responsibility of our actions the safer for our environment.
